mercoledì 27 marzo 2013

Leo Kottke @ tKF

Tanalois Art e torno Kohime Foundation hanno il piacere di invitarti
all'inaugurazione della mostra fotografica
di Leo Kottke.

Inaugurazione esposizione: Mercoledì 27 Marzo 2:30 PM SLT - 22: 30 IT

Durante la serata musica live a cura di Momi Hallison

Fine mostra: 10 aprile

Biografia Leo Kottke

Leo Kottke si avvicina alla fotografia digitale nei primi anni '90, le sue foto nascono già come immagini domestiche o ritratti che prevedono l'utilizzo del fotoritocco, e la sovrapposizione di più piani. Successivamente a seguito di alcue esperienze come grafico e designer per musicisti comincia ad approfondire l'utilizzo del disegno vettoriale nella realizzazione di copertine e di manifesti. Oggi il suo studio prosegue nella realizzazione di un morphing sensuale che applica alla promozione pubblicitaria sul web e alcuni noti social network come Second Life, infatti la sua prima esposizione si è tenuta sulla land di Rubin Mayo (in second life) Lisa expò "Osteria, gruppo -Pro-porci. 

Una serie di ritratti glamour in cui l'autore sperimenta un divertente uso della tecnica Morphing: i volti degli avatar assumono un valore di pura catalizzazione dello sguardo, tra irrealtà sensuale e iperrealismo digitale.
Il percorso di questa mostra procede per input sensoriali legati alla tendenza dominante del nostro tempo sospeso tra immagine di impatto e centralità della figura. 

Biografia Momi Hallison
Mi chiamo Momi Hallison, anche detta Momi The Panther, sono nata e vivo in Italia. 
Ho cominicato a cantare fin da quando avevo 5 anni. Amo la buona musica. La musica è per me passione, il mio amore, la mia vita.
Ho cantato come solista in un coro polifonico dal 1978 al 1982, a Roma. studio canto moderno dal 2005, perfezionandomi soprattutto nel jazz.
Ho lavorato in diversi locali di piano bar in RL e mi piace organizzare feste private.
Ho cominciato a cantare in questo strano pazzo mondo virtuale nel 2010, grazie alla mia amica LaraGrace Rau, che mi ha dato l'opportunità di migliorarmi sempre di più, grazie anche alle sue critiche costruttive.
Adoro interpretare le canzoni, non solo cantarle, in modo da trasmettere le emozioni che la musica mi dà al mio pubblico.

mercoledì 20 marzo 2013

Solkide Auer @ tKF

English Version

Tanalois Art and torno Kohime Foundation 

have the pleasure to invite you to the 

Opening of the Art Exhibition


by Solkide Auer

Inauguration exposure: Wednesday, March 20 - 2:30 PM SLT - 22:30 IT

In the evening live music by Andromeda Slade Dj

End show: Wednesday, April 3

Biography Solkide Auer 
Second Life has been and is for me a very important experience. 
The starting effect of curiosity for this metaverse soon turned into the wish of saying something trying to create a definite personality.
Building gave me that chance, that is the ability to creating objects of any kind, from the simplest to the most complex. All that after attending some courses offered by the school of Building at Secondlearning. Later on, after exploring this metaverse far and wide, I realized I wanted to do something that would go beyond the usual rule of structures or classical framing; so I tried to express my ideas through different sculptures. I started creating geometrical shapes then I used more difficult techniques such as "the shade", which gives the possibility to manipulate a unique prim in a very complex way. As a result I obtained unexpected and different shapes quite unlike the ones anyone can find around. 
It is clear that I've been working hard to get this result trying to get the good ones a and long nights spent trying to understand how to frame at my best some works that could convey an emotion.... even the simplest, and that it could attract people to an idea I had in my mind or just to share my message with them. 
In October I had the honour to be at "Virtual Renaissance" in Florence, with 5 of my work printed on 2 curtains decorating one of the room of Museum of Natural Sience - Anthopological Section.
In March 2009 some of my works has been exposed in big monitors at Rome in the Adriano's Temple during an exhibition about Digital Art.
I have partecipated for three years at the Burning Life in SL an exhibition made in the same time at the Nevada desert in USA called Burning Man.
in this 3 years of sl i have partecipated at many exhibitions and exposed to the most important Museum of SL : Pirats Gallery - AHO Museum - Primtings Museum - Delacroix Hall - Crescent Moon Museum - Piramide Art Gallery - Museo del Metaverso - Diabolus Art Space - UWA (University West Australia) Gallery - Aeonia Arts and many other important gallery.

Solkide Auer on WEB

mercoledì 13 marzo 2013

Mathilde Vhargon and Rubben Acajou @ tKF


English Version
Tanalois Art and torno Kohime Foundation 
have the pleasure to invite you
at the opening of the art exhibition 
in a new location of

Mathilde Vhargon 


Rubben Acajou 

Inauguration exposure: 
Wednesday, March 13 2:30 PM SLT - 22: 30 IT

During the evening live music by 
Eddieguitardagger Sheryffe aka Eddie Santillo.

End show: Wednesday, March 27

Biography Mathilde Vhargon 
I am undeniably attracted to shiny things... Asian lacquerware, ceramics, blown glass, silver, gold, gemstones, and lights! I don't make any of those things, but I have been pursuing shininess in my digital paintings much of the time. I notice that natural light sources, such as sun, moon, and stars crop up quite often in my work, too
This exhibit is a collection of some old and new 'shiny things' digital paintings I made. I hope you enjoy them.

About Me
A former professional classical musician, I began making sculpture in Second Life and then became more focused on digital painting, which I create using only Gimp software. 
My paintings suggest themselves to me a little at a time without conscious planning. I often use small sections of them as materials to develop into new paintings.
I love strong colours and flowing abstract forms. You will often find ambiguous suggestions that lead the viewer to imagine various possibilities and interpretations. I am most happy when my art creates a chain of associations and questions about life and humanity. 
The possibility that we might touch someone with a common connection, making them think and feel in response to our work, is the most wonderful thing about making art. 
My favourite artists are Marc Chagall and J.M.W. Turner. 

Biography Rubben Acajou
Mainly I am a painter RL. My painting is within realism and figurative work in any genere, landscapes, still lifes, seascapes, cityscapes, still within the realist style, using for this oil painting on canvas or board marina. 

It is a painting that requires much time and labor, using the methods that were used in the nineteenth century Spanish style.

Biography Eddie Santillo
EddieGuitar Dagger Sheryffe is the new avatar's name of the big EddieGuitar Dagger. Reborned in sl , after 3 months he goes far away to write new songs for his real career, and learn new ones covers to enjoy his Sl public.
In real he is known like Eddie Santillo, one of the best italian rock guitarists.
He started to play guitar since he was a child , studing to become a part of many italian groups,and with some of them winning the EMERGENZA INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL.Even if he had a parenthesis playing latin music, his love for Rock is the pics of his life.
He plays LIVE all his gigs, in VIDEO Streaming too, so sl people could have a double Show and looking that Eddie is playing truly live.
@ end of January he had 300 shows in a years,with great affluence of people.
He plays and sing songs, by Bon Jovi, Bowie, AC/DC, guns n' roses, Kiss, Who, Cinderella, Thin Lizy, Gary Moore and a compilation of songs of his album: I RACCONTI DEL MARINAIO APPLEFORD.

He is the only italian artist appear in a big italian magazine like " best italian musician in SL"
The first of May 2010 he started a great SL WORLD TOUR......20 nation in SL...
In Second Life on monday 27 WON The 1st Edition of LIVE MUSIC CONTEST between 12 musicians.
January 30th celebrate 3 years in sl..with the show number 1000...and February 2th start his second SL WORLD TOUR.
March 2011 win a special prize for his originals songs in a importan italian sl festival
December 2010 start a new swing jazz show...
May 2011 he add an italian songs show.
To know more take a look on :